Cool Stock Tweets #17

Is rent a major expense for you? If so, the Bilt credit card is ideal for you. The card has no fee, lets you earn points on rent, and covers any transaction costs. The deal is so good that the issuing bank, Wells Fargo, is losing over $10 million per month on the card partnership, but has a contract that extends to 2029.

On $40,000 per year of rent, you pay no fees and get ~$500 of free travel/hotel points. If this seems good to you, check out our partnership link here.

 And now, our favorite tweets:

Research Tools I Love

  1. TIKR is an affordable platform that allows investors to rapidly analyze 100,000+ equities across the globe. I use TIKR to quickly see financial data on companies, access earnings calls and investor day transcripts, and screen for new ideas. Please check out their phenomenal platform here.

  2. EdmundSEC is a phenomenal AI-powered financial research assistant. I personally use and love EdmundSEC, especially its AI earnings transcript summarizer that highlights and cites the most important statements from any investor call. Getting up to speed on a new name is much faster and richer with EdmundSEC. Join me and test them out here or use code “BEARCAVE” for an extra 15% off their already affordable plans.

  3. You can find even more free and paid stock research tools I love in this annual list here.

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Have a great night,
